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How to protect winter plants? and top ten tricks for plants.


How to protect winter plants? and top ten tricks for plants.

How to protect winter plants? and top ten tricks for plants.

Trees retain their nutrients during spring and summer growth. As the days get shorter, the temperature drops and the light spectrum changes from blue to red, hormones tell plants to fertilize and begin to shed their leaves to prepare for winter.Plants need special growth in this season

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/Preparing the garden in winter

Are you like me It was sad to see the end of summer but at the same time I was relieved that there was little work to be done. This year there is no more cultivation, watering, shearing and more, as we work, the year of outdoor farming is coming to an end. Much to be done is to clean and cover. Practical steps for preparing your outdoor winter garden include.

1. Plant protection.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/ There are different opinions about cutting or leaving plants in the winter. Many people here leave their perennials for a variety of reasons. In particular, the heads of many perennial stems and seeds are also very attractive to winter interest and provide bird feed to protect plants and retain moisture. When the soil freezes, cover the beds with permanent plants and shrubs with pine needles, manure, moss, or chopped leaves. It protects the soil and roots of plants and reduces the effects of extreme temperatures during freezing and thawing.

2. Garden cleaning.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/ Harvest seasonal crops such as tomatoes even though they are still green. Lie on the windows; or layer in boxes with newspapers between layers of tomatoes. They will ripen slowly or you can use raw tomato raw fried tomatoes or various recipes for raw tomato. Remove any remaining or used plants for the year; Clean up debris and weeds to reduce the chances of developing disease problems in the spring.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/3. Evaluate your garden design.

 Before you start putting winter in your garden, take a few minutes to review what worked and what didn’t and note any areas you would like to change in the spring. https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/4. Prepare the soil for planting the seeds in early spring.

 Turn the soil in the garden at the end of the season as you prepare with organic matter such as leaves, compost, or well-rotted compost. In the spring, simple raking is all that is needed.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/5. Caring for trees and grass.

 Protect tender bark bark from young rabbits and predatory insects by wrapping stems or stems with chicken wire or tree products for sale. To prevent rodents from breeding near buildings and trees, cut down tall grass, and remove weeds. Deep trees and shrubs to winter are well watered. Do not prune trees and shrubs as they may encourage new growth just before the bad weather. Cut the grass and fertilize if you wish with a low nitrogen compound ‘winter’. Use pieces of grass to make mulch or compost. Never send them to the landfill, as they are a good fertilizer left on the grass (if you are not too tall) and / or make bad compost / manure dug up into the garden or used by roads. Once you have rotted in the garden paths, dig in the garden and add new pieces of grass.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/6. Planting before winter.

You can plant new plants. Garden centers carry a wide variety of landscapes suitable for the plains. Remember: buy good quality as cheap is not the best - the bigger the lamp - the bigger the flowers. Look for fullness, firmness, clean skin, and more. Investment guidelines are included with the package.

7. Composting.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/ Debris from dead plants including leaves. The leaves are an important natural resource. Instead of being a nuisance, they are an excellent addition to the soil and the cover of the worst trees. The leaves take very little effort to re-process them into an amazing soil structure - leaf mold - in the yard and garden. You can make leaf mold the same way nature does. Collect damp leaves and wait for them to rot or split the leaves into smaller pieces before stacking them. If you wish, you can add a lot of chicken wire, or something similar. In the spring, I pick up dried leaves and dig them out into the vegetable garden.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/8. Clean your tools. 

Clean the soil from all your gardening tools, grease any wood handles and moving parts, sharpen any blades, and store them in a dry place for the winter.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/9. Water Garden. 

Bring pumps, drain, clean, refill (if necessary) and store tender water plants before flowering.

10. Bringing your houseplants.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/ Before you bring any indoor plants that spend the summer outdoors, check for infections, wash them, and spray with soapy water or insect repellent. Use fertility soil purchased from garden centers or shopping malls when replanting your plants. Do not use soil in the garden as it may store insects, weed seeds, diseases, and fungi.

Winter vegetables       


  • Beans.
  • Wide Beans.                                                              
  • Cabbage.
  • Carrots.
  • Onions.
  • Peas.
  • better guard

winter fruits:

  • These are the best winter fruits.
  • dates.
  • pomegranates.
  • crab apples.
  • apples. 
  • cherries. raspberries. 
  • citrus.
  • strawberries.

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