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What Is the Importance of Technology During the Epidemic?

What Is the Importance of Technology During the Epidemic?
 What Is the Importance of Technology During the Epidemic?

The Role of Technology for COVID19,

Our world has had many serious illnesses and viruses over the years, these viruses and diseases have brought a lot of impact on people's lives. Let's talk about the current epidemic that has taken the lives of many people in two years, COVID 19. This deadly 19-year-old covid is one of the most frightening and terrifying viruses that has made the worst impact on lives. For the past two years, everyone in the world has been imprisoned at home.

Lock down

What Is the Importance of Technology During the Epidemic?At the time of the launch of COVID 19,lock down was set up all over the world. Educational institutions are closed, offices are closed, markets are closed, and all sectors are closed due to this deadly virus. In this dire situation, technology has helped us too. With educational institutions closed around the world, online classes and sessions were professionally organized.

Office workers were working from home using technology. The business of the body was simply transformed into an online business as the epidemic gained popularity and revenue. During the COVID 19 era, when many people around the world lost their jobs, many of them began working remotely online with businesses such as freelancing,blogging,digital marketing etc.

 Let's talk about the use of technology during the epidemic. Many hospitals use state-of-the-art technology to treat patients with covid. New medical devices are being developed. The Covid 19 rating and spread can be monitored through new programs designed for artificial intelligence. Covid 19 vaccines are made in less than a year using technology. Technology has also helped us in our past past lock time.

At the time of the ban, many people were mentally ill but technology has also helped us fight mental illness. Many people choose to play video games during the closing period, many choose to make video calls with their friends around the world during the epidemic and many choose to work online to keep themselves busy during the closing time.

Covid 19 has brought many negative effects and affects our lives. About half the world's population have lost their jobs. The education sector, especially students, has suffered huge losses. The world economy was shut down. Exports were low. The body business is also losing a lot.

Transportation was low. Many other fields including health etc. We can say that life is closed. Prior to COVID 19 many deadly viruses had claimed the lives of millions of people worldwide. Let's talk about polio. This is one of the deadliest viruses in human history.

When the virus enters a person's body, that person will not be able to stand or walk. We can only imagine how painful it must have been for a person to see other people running but he himself could not even stand on his own two feet. Similarly more than a hundred years ago today, the Spanish flu has taken the lives of many people. The Ebola virus had also had a devastating effect on human health.

What Is the Importance of Technology During the Epidemic?The polio virus has recently disappeared from the world due to the polio vaccine, but there are only 2 countries where the deadly virus still exists, Pakistan and  Afghanistan. The reason is that most people in these countries do not like polio vaccine.They say the vaccine is harmful to the human body, but that is not true, because the vaccine has recently eradicated the virus worldwide but the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan consider it to be their enemy.

In Pakistan, many people become infected with polio every day because they refuse to take the vaccine. The Pakistan government is also taking serious steps to raise awareness of the polio virus and vaccines but the Pakistani people are not taking it seriously.That is why the virus is being eradicated from Pakistan. Dengue virus is also one of the deadliest viruses in human history. Millions of people worldwide die each day from the dengue virus. Similarly the congo virus also takes human lives.

But technology has always helped a person to fight off these germs and deadly diseases. As I mentioned above, all vaccines are made with the help of technology. Many new antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) are being developed technically. Technology has also helped us to grow new pharmaceutical and vaccine industries, which are also the source of jobs for millions of people around the world.All medicines are thoroughly tested using technology

And marketing is done with the approval of major health organizations, but many people around the world reject these vaccines.All drugs are thoroughly tested using technology and Accepted by major health organizations, but many people around the world simply refuse these vaccines. During the current epidemic in the world they also believed rumors about the Corona vaccine and rejected the vaccine. However, the Covid 19 vaccine has been thoroughly tested with the latest technology and is considered by the WHO to be safe for all.

How has technology helped us to fight disease and germs?

What Is the Importance of Technology During the Epidemic?

Technology is simply discovering its day-to-day importance in all sectors, especially playing a key role in the health sector. It has provided new ideas to fight germs and diseases. Many new companies are investing billions in technology to fight germs and diseases worldwide.

There are many new and old viruses in all parts of the world right now and technologies such as noninvasive diagnostics, firearms, thermometers, anti-retroviral drugs, are very effective in fighting these germs.

The importance of antimicrobial technology is ignored. During the current epidemic, patients with contracted muscles are found at airports with the help of virus detector monitors. Hot rifles are also used to monitor temperatures in schools, offices, and elsewhere. Technology has gained great importance in the health sector.


This epidemic has recently changed our world all the way. We just need to be vaccinated to be safe from this deadly virus.

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