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What is High Blood Pressure And their solution?





What is High Blood Pressure And their solution?

 What Can Happen If High Blood Pressure Left Untreated?

Because people with high blood pressure often have no symptoms until the disease reaches its peak, high blood pressure is often referred to as a “silent killer.” That's why regular blood tests are important.

 The lack of symptoms is why some people are unaware that they have high blood pressure without taking steps to treat and treat it. Because they feel good they think everything is going well. But if high blood pressure is left untreated, serious problems can develop over time.

Disorder of high blood pressure.

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause strokes. Since high blood pressure causes a person's blood vessels to shrink and shrink, it is difficult for blood to reach the brain. This can cause tissue damage in the brain, cause a blood clot in the brain, or cause a blood vessel in the brain to rupture.

Kidney diseases.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/Constant blood pressure and high blood pressure can lead to many kidney diseases. If the blood vessels in the body are lowered from high blood pressure, poor circulation throughout the body can cause blood clots because they do not reach the kidneys often enough to dispose of all waste. As the waste increases, it becomes more difficult for the kidneys to try to excrete waste, placing a heavy burden on the kidneys. This can cause kidney function to decrease dramatically or to fail completely.

If the kidneys begin to function less than 20 percent of the dose, dialysis treatment will be required on a regular basis. Kidney transplants can be a way of avoiding dialysis treatment for life if a person is ready for a transplant and the kidneys are available.

Eyes problems.

Problems with the human eye can also occur as a result of high untreated high blood pressure, which causes vision loss if not good enough. High blood pressure can also lead to memory loss and dementia.

Heart problems.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/Heart problems are another major problem that can develop if high blood pressure is left untreated. Arteries in the heart can become hard and thick in the blood, causing a condition called arteriosclerosis.

It is not uncommon for people with high blood pressure to be treated with a vein catheter. Placing the plate reduces blood flow to the heart and can eventually cause heart disease. High blood pressure narrows the arteries and veins in the body. Finding oxygen in the heart becomes more difficult as blood vessels become narrower. If the heart cannot get enough oxygen, it will cause heart disease.

Precautions for high blood pressure.


In a 2013 study, older adults who participated in aerobic exercise training reduced their blood pressure by 3.9% systolic and 4.5 percent diastolic. These effects are similar to other blood thinners.

As you increase your heart rate and breathing rate, over time your heart rate and heart rate drop. This puts less pressure on your arteries and lowers blood pressure.

How much work should you do? A 2013 report by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) on strenuous exercise 40 minutes, three to four times a week).

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/If getting 40 minutes at a time is a challenge, there may be some benefits when time is limited.

Enhancing your work can be as simple as:

  •  use stairs
  •  driving instead of driving
  •  doing household chores
  •  garden
  •  cycling ride
  •  play a team game

Do so and work for at least half an hour on a balanced work day. One example of balanced work that can have far-reaching effects is tai chi.

 there are many combinations of exercise combinations that can lower blood pressure. Aerobic exercise, resistance training, strength training, a few times a day of exercise, or walking 10,000 steps a day can lower blood pressure.

  Lose weight if you are overweight

If you are overweight, losing five to ten pounds [5 to 10 kg] can lower your blood pressure. Also, it will reduce the risk of other medical problems.

Reduce sugar and refined carbohydrates.

Numerous scientific studies show that limiting sugar and refined carbohydrates can help you lose weight and lower your blood pressure.

Eat more potassium and less sodium.

Increasing your potassium and lowering salt can also lower blood pressure.

Potassium  Reduces the effects of salt on your system, and reduces blood clots in your bloodstream. However, potassium-rich foods can be dangerous for people with kidney disease, so talk to your doctor before raising your potassium level.

It is easy to eat a lot of potassium - too much food is naturally high in potassium. Here are a few:

  • Low fat :dairy foods, such as milk and yogurt
  • fish,
  •  fruit :such as bananas, apricots, avocados, and oranges
  •  vegetables, :such as potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables and spinach

Note that people react to salt differently. Some people are sensitive to salt, which means that high salt intake raises blood pressure. Some are salt-free. They can eat more salt and excrete it in their urine without raising blood pressure.

Eat processed foods.

Most of the salt in your diet comes from processed foods and restaurant foods, not homemade salt preservatives. Popular snacks include meat, canned soup, pizza, chips and other snacks.

  Quit smoking.

 Over time, the chemicals in tobacco can damage the walls of blood vessels and raise your blood pressure, causing swelling and narrowing of the blood vessels. Strong arteries cause high blood pressure.

 Cigarette chemicals can affect your blood vessels Studies show that children around home who smoke cigarettes have higher blood pressure than non-smokers.

 Reduce excessive pressure.

We are in critical times. Labor and family needs, national and international politics - all contribute to tensions. Reducing your blood pressure is important for your health and blood pressure. Much different from anxiety, you know you work. Practice breathing, walking, reading a book, or watching jokes.

Listening to music on a daily basis also shows blood pressure. A recent reading of 20 histories shows that regular music use reduces heart rate.

Try meditation.

Thinking and meditation, including meditation, have long been used - and studied - as a stress reliever. The study of meditation practices, which includes breathing control, posture and meditation, has almost doubled because the effectiveness of yoga does not include all three.

  Try treatment.

Folk remedies are long-lived in different diseases, treatments and other elements. Always check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking prescription ingredients. They can affect your medicine.

Sleep well and take rest.

Hypertension usually goes down during sleep People who suffer from sleep deprivation, especially the elderly, have an increased risk of developing high blood pressure.

Some people can't sleep well in night. There are many ways to help you get enough sleep. Try setting a regular bedtime routine, spending the rest of the night, exercising during the day, avoiding sleeping during the day, and making your bedroom more comfortable.

  Eat garlic or take garlic extract ingredients.

According to one clinical study garlic or garlic extract ingredients can have a greater impact on blood pressure.

 Eat a high-protein diet.


A large study that ended in 2014 found that people who ate too much protein had a lower risk of developing high blood pressure. For those who ate an average of 100 grams of protein a day, a low-protein diet had a 40% higher risk of developing low blood pressure. Those who added regular fiber to their diet saw a 60 percent reduction in risk.

High protein foods include:

  • Fish, Salmon or canned tuna, Eggs,Chickens, Beef,      Beans:Legumes, such as kidney beans and lentils
  •  Peanuts or peanut butter 
  • Chickens
  • Cheese,Like cheddar

 Drink less alcohol,

Alcohol can raise blood pressure, even if it is healthy. It is important to drink in moderation.

 Reducing caffeine.

Caffeine raises blood pressure, but the effect is temporary. It takes 45 to 60 minutes Research on caffeine, including its health benefits, is now in full swing. Choosing a backlash depends on many factors. Other recent studies have shown that the effect of caffeine on high blood pressure is high when blood pressure is high.

doctor's prescription.


Take your doctor's prescription If your blood pressure is not controlled even after taking all the measures, you should consult your doctor who can prescribe you the best medicine You will do better, especially if you are at risk for other people.. However, it can take time to find the right combination of drugs.

Talk to your doctor about medications you can use and what can help you better.

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