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Top seven best principles for living a healthy and long life.


Top seven best principles for living a healthy and long life.

 No matter how advanced medical technology may be, it can never save you from the troubles that come with not following the rules of health in your life. Keep us healthy and save us money. In addition, the rules of living that help you avoid illness can also help you lose weight.

 Here are seven principles to live a long and healthy life.

1. Exercise.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/In earlier times people did all their work with their own hands.

And he used his physical energy to do  his normal work which kept him active .But today no one gets up and drinks water by himself, most of the work is done sitting down. You use an automatic machine to do any work from home to outside. You also sit down after work, then you sit in the car, then get out of the car and go back home and spend the rest of the day sitting again.

 Such a life is the cause of many diseases.And then we have to spend a lot of money to get rid of these many diseases, so we have to change our daily life to save money and good health.

 Sports, running, doing the usual housework with your own hands, reduce the use of the car as much as possible, walk short distances, walk, use the bicycle, make light Exercise a habit in your daily life. which will make you  healthy and happy.

2. Go to bed early.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/It's a trivial matter now, a lot of people wake up late, their body is tired, it needs rest, but people don't care about the things that cause them a lot of problems.  Yoga and Ayurvedic doctors say that it is better for your health to go to bed early at night and work during the day.

Like students, people use coffee and other things to study late at night, which makes their health worse.The second is the habit of working at night and sleeping during the day. Health doctors say this kind of unnatural life is a cause of cancer and other diseases. To avoid this, we need to go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning to do our daily activities.

3. Eat when you are hungry.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/Here too people work outside the norm, people go to eat even when they are not hungry. People are accustomed to eating out of time or because of some problem, even if you are not hungry but you eat something good. Can't digest This causes acidity and indigestion, and increases the risk of other complex diseases. In which  including obesity. Being hungry is indeed a sign of good health, but if you are not hungry, you should wait a while and then eat when you are hungry. So that the food that has been eaten before is well digested.

4. Relax the physical system.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/ If you ask a man to work 365 days a year without any rest, he will surely complain to you and say that he needs some rest, otherwise he will not be able to work at all. Will be. But we have never bothered to ask or think about our digestive organs, there are other organs that we are forced to work day and night without rest. They can't complain like a person does with their boss, but they give sign us they can't work without stopping, they're tired.

When we ignore these signals and still force them to work, those organs are broken and because of these we get various diseases.

Therefore, it is necessary to fast. Avoid eating all day. this allow the digestive system to relax and with the help of it, unnecessary thing out of our body. fasting can increase your mental and spiritual strength. Fasting in a cave is not for the sadhu, but is a sensible act that anyone can do. And doing so will also relax the rest of the body.

5 Use cold water before going to bed.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/mentioned above that sleep is very important for good health. If you wash your limbs (hands, eyes, feet, mouth) with cold water before going to bed, it will give you comfort and you will feel relaxed. Will help for deep sleep.

6. Meditate regularly.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/Your body is connected to your brain. Many  mental illness is on the rise these days. Stress and anxiety affect our physical health which also makes our brain tired. We have to  to save it from these conditions. Meditation is a mental exercise that, among other things, helps you deal with life's anxieties. Learn a simple exercise and do regularly.

7. Get up early every day.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/There is an old saying, "Going to bed early, getting up early makes a person healthy, rich and wise." I don't know if it will make you rich or not, but it will definitely make you healthy. Your body needs a good night's sleep and to get a good night's sleep, go to bed early at night and wake up early in the morning because a best sleep of is very important for our body. There are those who do not sleep during the day and they are very important for our health. Sleep should always be at the right time and appropriate, neither too much nor too little.

If we want to be healthy in life and protect our body from diseases as well as our money, then we have to implement these principles in our daily life.

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  1. very nice information given by you Seven_Tips_For_A_Long_And_Healthy_Life


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