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How to turn life's failures into success?


 turn life's failures into success

How to turn life's failures into success?

The prince's desire had caused the king a strange conflict. Just make a statue of me as a gift for my birthday. These words of the prince were echoing in the corners of the king's mind. The eleven-year-old son, who was going to inherit the whole empire tomorrow, could not even lift his head and stand on his own two feet. his back was bent.


 turn life's failures into success

 It was very strange. What will the people think? The enemy will laugh at our coming king. The future of this magnificent empire will be in the hands of a man whose back cannot be straight, who is not sitting on the throne, but whose head is leaning towards him.

Are you thinking, King, peace be upon you? I have a great wish. At the prince's voice, the king returned with his thoughts. The king was weeping in his heart over his son's helplessness. He was ready to do anything at the prince's request. But he did not want to embarrass the world by making a statue of his son. On the other hand, he did not want to deny the prince's wishes. 

He said to divert the prince's attention from the statue, "What else would you like to take?"The prince stopped him. No, The king does not want to make fun of his son. The son said and the statue should be placed in the garden in front of my room so that I could see it every morning and evening.


 turn life's failures into success

What the audience would think would make fun of my son was coming to the king's heart. And, King doesn’t make my statue, but make it the way I want to see you in the future. This means that the king's son cannot understand it. My statue is not a mirror of my present misery, upgrade and helplessness but a picture of my glorious future. It will reflect my success, dignity and confidence.

Don't you want to see your son like that? Hearing these words from his son brought tears to the eyes of the king. It was heartbreaking to see such a big difference between the prince's current loneliness and his dreams.

However, in the face of his son's love, he suppressed the innumerable questions that arose in him. The king had ordered a statue to be erected. Bright personality, lively body, talking eyes, dignified face, wide forehead, and wide chest. Stretched  shoulders and straight waist.

The prince looked at the statue with a new longing. An idea he had kept hidden in his heart for a long time. He was very happy to see it in front of him. I will live like you. “With great difficulty, the prince looked into the eyes of his statue and said in a determined tone.

This commitment was reflected in his actions for many years to come. Every day the prince would get up early in the morning and go in front of the statue with his back bent, but he would meet the statue with determined eyes. He would push himself a little and go to the limit in an attempt to straighten his body. Many months and years passed. The people around the prince witnessed his fruitless hard work every day. Many people tried their best to discourage him. His own dear friends. , Family members, advisers, ministers, physicians, doctors in turn urged not to excise this deadly.

 But he did not listen to anyone. He was cooked to his tune. The dreams in his eyes had taken away his comfort and serenity. His desire was intense and his intention was strong. People's taunts, discouraging sarcasm, laughter and squinting eyes could not stop his determination. However, it was also true that the hard work of the last five years had been in vain. But at the age of sixteen, he had become a young man. During this time, no one had seen the effects of helplessness, pain or insignificance on the face of the prince.

But it is a different matter that in solitude his self-talk was very painful. Or when will Allah change my destiny? How long will I remain in this state? Why does my head remain bowed? When will my suffering end? When will the fruit of my efforts fall on my swing?

Sometimes a voice comes from inside that all this is useless, it is of no use. Why do you become a spectacle in front of others every day? This is the reality. Believe in your existence. Don't run away from your disability. Don't turn away from the truth. How can you make fun of yourself? You have done everything for five years. Now you come back. Get better and adjust to the situation.

Hearing his inner voice, he would break down and at night his pillow would be filled with tears. But these tears could not become an impassable sea in the path of his determination the next day.

He would get up every day with a new determination and reach in front of his statue and say that you are my reality. I want to be like you. You are my tomorrow. My eyes are not on today's painful life. There is a dream in your eyes, I have to fulfill it. I promise you today I will not believe the truth. I will not compromise, boys till the end. I will do my best. I will and I believe victory is mine.

God willing, the prince heard his father's voice standing behind him.  " you will win. One day it will happen." I will not laugh at your majesty and splendor. Your son will look the enemy in the eye. Your kingdom will have a perfect heir. This is my promise to you. The prince tries to kiss his father and Said.
At the crossroads of words of encouragement and humor, the appointed days of the prince pass. And it stretches beyond the first day, and the habit of fixing itself in pain goes as far as it can carry.

 Sometimes he fainted because of severe pain. Remove this idea from your heart after today. After regaining consciousness, his father counseled him. We all want that, but it is impossible. he shared his experience.But he did not know that the doctor's own prince was a picture of him. He was inspired by his own picture. The thought of his glorious life appealed to him at all times. He used to say something.


 turn life's failures into success

A few more years will pass. No major changes have taken place but the official was aware inside that a number of changes had taken place. The prince had left him far from the pain he thought was the limit. He knew that now his body was beginning to support him little by little. He was aware of her feelings. He believed that a small change in his regime would one day be a prelude to a major change. He will surely be rewarded for the hardships he endured in bringing about these changes.

Then one day a miracle happened. By the time he was 21 years old, all his hard work and hard work had paid off. He had a smile on his face, dignity on his face, and strength on his body, hoping to turn the tide in his forehead and above all, a message to lift the heads of millions of people. The man who lived his dreams has become a reality today and is standing in front of this image.
Everyone was amazed. Everyone thought it was a miracle. Even those who made fun of him thought that this was a miracle. In fact, it was a miracle.

 turn life's failures into success

Therefore, the official looked down. Thanks to the real creator. The king is very happy, and he knows that this miracle is the result of his son's hard work and dedication. God did not abandon his efforts. Everyone said it would never happen. But in the house of God, nothing is impossible.
Please tell, what is story. What do you think of yourself? Decorate the mirror of your future without the window of your imagination.
Do you have words of annoying voice around you telling you that you did well? What kind of words, ideas and scenes come to mind when you think of your future? In these scenes, your back is bent or your head is raised.
In these pictures, are you telling others the story of the reasons for your failure? Or has it become a practical message for others to live by with their heads raised? Is your life a lesson to other people or an eternal story of successful life?

Remember friends! It will be as you think. Your thinking will be the reality of your life. The purpose of life is to follow the dreams that shine in the eyes of your image. Because every time you see a picture, you find new hope.
 Where are you standing today? Who bends your back? Who is blocking your way? Who is stopping you from pursuing your dreams? What is the enemy of your determination? What is the enemy of your action? Who is the Killer of your dreams.
Come on guys! Together today, we create a picture of your future success in your mind window. Look at this picture, and stand in front of it every day and follow its dreams. There will be many obstacles in this journey. Welcome them. Stretch daily. Improve yourself daily
Try to make your day better than the day before. Endure more every day. Tolerate your pain a little. Be sure of moments of discouragement. Make your carpentry your strength in times of failure, helplessness, helplessness and misery.
You will begin to notice minor changes in a short period of time. Think of it as a fore gleam of a future miracle. And then dear friends, one day it will rise and that day will be a day of miracles. On that day you will stand in

 turn life's failures into success

front of your image in a real way. True colors will surely complement your dream life.
And remember! when you live the life you love. so you have to keep looking at new worlds and new dreams for bright opportunities in the eyes of the image. Because real success is following those dreams.

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