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How to care our teeth? types of teeth,name and function.


How to care our teeth?  types of teeth,name and function.

How to care our teeth? types of teeth,name and function

Teeth help a person to use their mouth to eat, to speak, to smile, and to form facial expressions.Each type of tooth has a unique name and purpose  . Teeth are made up of different layers - enamel, dentin, ginger, and cemenut. Its enamel, which is the heaviest in the body, is outside the tooth.

How many types of teeth are in your mouth?


In your lifetime, you will have five different types of teeth that will erupt in your mouth; incisors, canines, premolars, molars, and third molars. Four out of five species will replace the first teeth and then the permanent teeth will replace the first teeth.

Humans, like many other mammals, are diphyodont, meaning they have two teeth. The first set, separating teeth, also called "main teeth", "baby teeth", or "milk teeth", usually consists of 20 teeth.

Molars include four clever teeth, which are the last set of teeth to enter. They usually enter between the ages of 17 and 25. Clever teeth are also called third molars.

Most adults have 32 teeth, called permanent or second teeth: 8 incisors. 4 canines, also called cuspids. Eight premolars, also called bicuspids.

A smile can last a lifetime, if you take care of it. For this reason, it is important for parents to teach their children good oral hygiene at an early age.

According to Richard H. Carmona of the US National Oral Health Appeal of the United States, children lose more than 5.1 million hours of study, and adults lose more than 164 million hours a year due to dentistry or dental visits. Ha. It is estimated that the national debt for dental services in 2002 will be more than $ 70.1 billion.

 "Oral health poses a problem for communities across the country," explains Drs. It is more common than asthma, more common than hay fever and is a serious risk to the health and well-being of all our children. ”


How to take care of your teeth .

  • Healthy teeth are clean and free of cavities. Healthy gums are pink and firm, and they will not bleed. To keep your teeth and gums healthy, follow these steps:
  • Apply at least once a day. It is best to flush after brushing. Flossing removes plaque after brushing between teeth and gums.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day . Drive for at least 2 minutes each time.
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps to strengthen its plaque and helps prevent tooth decay.
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months or as soon as needed. An old toothbrush will also not clean your teeth. If you use an electric toothbrush, change heads every 3 to 4 months.
  • Eat a healthy diet. You are less likely to get gum disease if you eat a healthy diet.
  • Avoid sweets and sugary drinks. Eating and drinking too much sweets increases the risk of pores. If you eat or drink sweets, brush your teeth immediately afterwards.
  • Don't smoke. Smokers have more problems with their teeth and gums than non-smokers.
  • Keep dentures, utensils, and other items clean. This includes brushing them regularly. You may also need to apply a cleaning solution.
  • Schedule regular appointments with your dentist. Many dentists recommend professional dental cleaning every six months for optimal oral health. Seeing a dentist every 3 to 4 months may be necessary if your gums are not healthy.

Regular brushing and flossing removes plaque that can grow, even with careful brushing and flushing. This is very important to get to places that are hard to reach on your own. Professional cleaning involves measuring and polishing. This procedure uses tools to loosen and remove toothpaste. Regular checkups can include dental x-rays. Your dentist can diagnose problems early, so they are less serious and more expensive to fix.

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