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Why they stop being interested in you?

Why they stop being interested in you?
Why they stop being interested in you?

Why they stop being interested in you?

We discuses a very interesting topic. Why do people lose interest in you?  What is the reason? That is, before man used to give you a lot of time. But now he doesn't give you time. Now he has stopped paying attention to you. He doesn't care about you anymore. What's behind it? There must be a reason. He should be your friend or relative or spouse. So what is the reason behind this? Why is he doing this? How do you get her attention again? How can you get rid of this thing? 

This topic is very important.

 This topic will be considered in depth. Human nature changes over time.If someone gives you less time or less importance, your biggest mistake is to complain to the next person that you don't value them and ask them you don't give them time. You will be careless. When you say these things to the next person, his mind goes crazy and he stops caring for you more than before.

Why they stop being interested in you?If you tell someone they are careless, they will be careless. This is human nature. Human nature is very strange and when you complain to the next person again and again. Your complaint puts yourself down and the next person up. You make yourself his slave. And when you become slaves, He treats you as He wills.

This is your biggest mistake

This is your biggest mistake. You never get results from complaints. Remember that you complain to someone that they don't value you.
What's wrong with you when you look for someone, you understand, now I've found it. Now his interest will never end. You understand this person the whole world.After the whole world understood it, you forgot yourself. You stopped working on yourself. You stopped maintaining yourself. You gave not time to friends, you took not care of your family.

Why they stop being interested in you?
But since that person came into your life, you have given up everything. 
You lost contact with friends. You stopped giving time to your family because of this one man. This man is my whole world and this man will stay with me and he will never deceive me. You got close to it. And you get away from people.
Ever since he came into your life, you have given up everything. You don't see anything else. You have become one person day and night.

There is a problem.

There is a problem here that you removed everyone for the sake of this person and you understand him everything  and end up content with people. So this person will lose interest in you when he realizes that I am his everything and I am his support and then slowly he ignores you. Fights with you, doesn't reply to you, doesn't talk to you for four or five days, you're in trouble. he doesn't matter if you're upset.
Why doesn't it matter? Because he knows that this servant will come back to him. He has no fear that I will lose him and he has no fear of losing anything in his mind. Fear is in your mind, because of this fear you will run towards it.He has no such fear in his mind and why he has no fear in his mind. It is your fault for following it all the time. You do what he says. You believe what he says. You  have not  a smile on your face. You're never happy, you're always complaining, you're always talking to him , why aren't you giving me time?

Why they stop being interested in you?
For example, there is a small child. Sometimes children insist that you take me there or take me here. They cling to you. They hang with your legs. They are too stubborn. So you get angry at them. This is exactly what happens when you are too stubborn or too sticky. They seem to think that you have no value. If a person does not value his self-esteem, then the other person stops valuing him.
It's your fault. Now how do you fix this mistake? I know you must have made these mistakes. You must have texted again and again, called again and again, begged again and again, and told him that you have become careless, I cannot live without you, I will die, and he said all these things. Maybe that's why you lost the intersect.

What do you do now?

Why they stop being interested in you? The more you have this person, the more interest he will lose.
It is human nature to be curious about things that are far away from it. For example, if you have something new in your house, you look at it again and again and when you find out, it will remain the same. It will not go anywhere, so gradually your interest ends with it.
There is a big mistake you made. Don't work on yourself, give up your skills. And don't develop yourself like you used to. You are the same kind of person. There is no change in you. Your routine is the same. The message is the same. The topic is the same to talk about. Everything is the same. There is no change in you. So he will stop taking interest in you.

Don't stop your personal growth

But as you growth yourself, which is your individual growth, it is very important for you. If you do personal growth, then that person will come to you.Don't stop your personal growth. You stop your growth for this person. This is the reason why this person gets away from you. Set your life goals and achieve them. Talk to him too. You should also have your own work. You consider your work as useless. And you start to understand everything him. 

mistake you make.

This is the mistake you make. See when he called or texted and you're available. All you have to do now is not be available to this person. It is not that you are free and if he massages you. you ignore him. In that case, you will be in trouble. You will be upset and it will be difficult for you to pass the time. He is calling, massaging and you are deliberately making excuses that if you are busy then in these situations you will go into tension and you will go into depression.

Why they stop being interested in you?
All you have to do is engage in real work. You have to do something in which you are really engaged. If he calls or messages you, you are really busy you will not have to lie when you are busy. You will not have tension. You will not have to wait for his call or message and you will not have any problem. Will not be. You will do your job. 

When you are really busy and you are not available to it, it will increase your value. And you will not be bothered by lying and will not have to wait. He will notice your changing attitude and he will try to find out and try to connect you again and again. 

 To get busy give time everyone

 To get busy give time everyone . To your friends, to your family, to your hobby, to yourself. Not being available does not mean that you ignore him completely, make him feel like you belong, divert a little attention from him, stop worshiping him and take care of him. But also pay attention to yourself. When you take interest in yourself, you will not be bored. If you do different things, you will not stay the same. You will have a lot of new things to talk about next. And then he will start intersecting with you.

Why they stop being interested in you?Don't complain.
 Don’t understand him whole world.
Focus on your personal growth.
 Be really busy.
 Don't make it available all the time.
Do these things and people will start taking interest in you .
When you take too much interest in others, they run away from you and when you take interest in yourself, they start taking interest in you.
It is the nature of man that whoever ignores it or does not have it available in time; he will come to it himself.
Bring change in yourself so that the interest of the next person grows in you and they come to you and you live your life happily.

Why they stop being interested in you?

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