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How to fix codependent relationship.


How to fix codependent relationship.
 How to fix codependent relationship.

 How to get out of a codependent relationship 

what is codependent relationship?

There are some people, friends and near ones in relationship. If it's not your fault, it's someone else's fault, but every time you have to apologize, he angry with you, you have to persuade, and every time you we have to bow down. What is the reason behind this? Why is this happening? We will discuss all these things in it. How can we get out of all these issues? There are some relationships in which you may have a friend or someone else. This relationship is what we call a codependent relationship.

A relationship in which one person is a giver and the other is a taker.Why do you have to bow down in a relationship? Why do you apologize? What does it mean if someone else doesn't do it? if there is someone giver  and the other servant is taking advantage of it If there is a relationship in which you are used or you are the giver and the next person is taker then it means it is a codependent relationship and that person has become your weakness.

Today I will tell you some of the points of this relationship.

Signs  of codependency.

1 .The first thing is not your fault, but you still have to say sorry. This is the biggest and first sign of this relationship.

2. You have to get permission from him for everything. You have to get permission for whatever you do. If you want to go somewhere, you will have to text it or if you want to get permission from him, this is the second big sign of this relationship.

How to fix codependent relationship.3. Your happiness, your sorrow depends on this person. He will speak well, and then your day will go well. He will speak badly, and then your whole day will be ruined.

4۔ You feel responsible for everything he does. For example, he gets addicted. He comes home late. He loses his job. You are worried that something will go wrong with him. You consider yourself responsible for everything. You try to contact him. Whispers come to your mind. All these things are codependent relationship.

If this is happening then it means that there is a human being who is your weakness. How will you get out of this thing? We will try to solve all the things in it.

If you keep all these things in your mind then you can get out of it and remember that you can get out of these situations only when you will act on the things that I have tried to say. If you don't follow through then you will complain later that we are not able to get out. You don't believe in things before these situations.

No more codependency.

 Take responsibility for yourself.

How to fix codependent relationship.Take responsibility for your own awaking, your own standing, your own sitting, your own sleep, waking up, laughing, and speaking. Don’t let any human being dominate you that everything is with him and there is nothing else.

Don't ask permission. 

Don't ask permission. You have to go somewhere. You have to get something. Like you have to get a suit or you like it. You are taking the interest of another person instead of your own will. You are putting his will above your own and you are putting your own will behind the desire. Why throw it away when you will not fulfill your own desire? That's why you get more stuck. So never give up your desire. Try to fulfill your desires yourself.

Learn to say No.

Learn to say no. Don't say yes to everything. There are some things you don't want to do but you have to do them. you have to learn to say no. If not, refuse. 

You are not responsible for his mistakes.

You are not responsible for his mistakes, he is responsible for himself. You can explain to him that it is not right, but you cannot say that it is all because of you. He can distinguish between good and bad when you weaken yourself.

 Yes, you say that because of me, then he starts blaming you for every evil. Get out of this thing. You are responsible for your good and bad, not his.

Some girls go so far in such a relationship that they offer everything they have and when they get everything they turn away and Then they keep crying.

 This is life. Live it in your own way. Don’t let anyone impose it you. If you don't live your life now, what's the use in growing old? Live your own life. Don't let others live your life. Don't give them a chance. Let them guide you.

Stay within a limit and obey him. And life should be equal on both sides. You always worry for him.  Waite him. Looking for all the joys of life find in him. And that will continue to use you to enjoy his life for him. And you will continue to see his face. Live life yourself, It's beautiful, don't spoil it for anyone's sake and be happy.

How to fix codependent relationship.

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