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How can Parents make friends with their children?


 How  can Parents make friends with their children?

Those parents are fortunate enough to have children of their own who are their friends, as well as children who are raised by their parents in a friendly manner.

Making friends with children is an art and is not available to everyone. As the situation changes rapidly, there are major differences between children and parents. They are far away from each other. so what should be done for children to become friends with their parents. Parents should try. Parents will be taught other things this way because parents can make their children friends. Children will take you as their friend and respect and take you as their friend. 

Praise the child:


Praise the children, encourage them, see that everyone wants to feel praised, even if they say we do not want to be praised, they want to be praised in their heart, they want to be highly praised, everyone wants to be considered good  There was an artist who saw a poor man who intended to photograph him and said to him. Come tomorrow, I want to make you a picture. When the poor man arrived the next day, the artist did not see him and asked him who he was. He replied that it was you who told me yesterday to come today, so I came today after bathing and cleaning so that the image would be ready.

 This is what the children want. If you sincerely and sincerely commend them, they will begin to view you as their friend. If you criticize a child, he will turn his back on you. The first rule is to praise children. Encourage them.

Talk to children:

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/The second rule is to talk to children. Listen to the children. The best way to honor someone is to listen carefully. If we don’t listen to kids, if we don’t try to find out. What do they want? You will listen to them while talking on the phone or in T V. then they get away from you. Children want full care. They are not used to talking to you. Then they would look for people who would listen to them. Their parents complain that their children do not live near them and do not give them time. And at first don't get the kids used to talking. That's why they walk slowly away from you. If you want children to be your friends. It is important that you listen to them, so you should talk to them.

Schedule your free time for your child:

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/What is the difference between a successful family and a poor family? Is this explained in the study? They hired a team to recognize the habits of a happy family and a group to recognize all the habits of a poor family. They began collecting information and seeing how they communicated with children. How do children spend their free time with whom? If they go to church, how long do they travel and how long do they serve? Poor family members do not set aside time for their children to relax. It doesn't matter where their children play, whether they play with siblings or play with neighbors' children. However, wealthy families do well to plan for their children's leisure time, what they will study, what they will study, and who they will meet. If you want your children to be your friends, you need to plan their leisure time.

Do not execute orders.

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/ In a poor family, parents tell their children that you should do this, you should eat this, you should listen to this, and you should never do anything that is against our will. But parents of successful families talk to their children try to understand them, talk to them based on conversations. If the child does not want to work, discuss with him why. Try to explain it. This is how children understand. Talk to them and make friends. Talk to them based on arguments. Don't take them out.

Describe each task:

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/If you have high hopes for your kids, if you want them to do something, first explain. If you do not explain to your child how the job is done, he or she will not be able to do the job properly and in the future will start to run away from you. When expectations are not met, you too will become angry and the anger will begin to fester.

Do not contradict words and actions:

If you want your children to be your friends, you must set a good example for them. Children do not learn what you say. Children learn what you do when your words and actions make a difference.

So children will begin to think in their hearts that there is hypocrisy in our parents and this hypocrisy is coming with them gradually. Because of this hypocrisy they leave you and other people.

 Admit your mistake:

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/To make children your friends, you need to acknowledge your mistakes. See, everybody makes mistakes. If you make a mistake, do not clean it. We talked to them that it was our fault. Next time, make sure it's not a mistake.So the child will understand that making a mistake is a human action. Mistakes can happen to anyone. He will not lie after making a mistake. He will not hide it from you. Desire will be created. This will make him accustomed to admitting the mistakes and forgiving the mistakes of others. Based on this love. Children will also come closer to you.

Recognize individuality:

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/We make the mistake of removing children from us because we do not use them on their own. We want all our children to be the same. Every child is different. Every child is different. What is a child's ability? If you give the children work to the best of their ability, the benefit will be that you will be happy. You will enjoy this work. He will and will take you as his friend.

 True promises:

https://infomationzon.blogspot.com/If you want your children to trust you, you must not make any promises to them, and if you do, they must keep them. If you do it often, their trust in you will be shaken. The child will think that our parents are lying. Even if you do what is right, they will not believe you. Do not say, otherwise there will be a gap between you and the child.

Learn to laugh at mistakes:

Learn to laugh. When you make a mistake, you do not take it seriously. if this mistake is made by children, do not take it seriously, but learn to laugh at the mistakes. If you sit among friends and a glass of water or a cup of tea is thrown at someone, you all laugh and make fun of it and the conversation ends and this is what happens when our children make a mistake. We rebuke them, we beat them, we criticize them. And we are angry with them. In this way the children are drawn away from us because we do not consider them to be friends.

We must follow all these things to make our children our friends; otherwise your children will be far away from you and will not be friends.

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